Lets Turn This Whole Thing Upside Down

Posted by Deborah DiBernardo on



Its all about whats left of the remaining 1% of the coffee grown in pristine ecosystems. High quality exquisite coffee recognized internationally as the best on the planet.

I’m asked if its realistic to believe that this remaining 1% can meet the worlds coffee needs. Of course not - considering the other 99% (not grown sustainably) is one of the heaviest traded commodities, the 1% won’t meet the worlds needs.

But, there is no time to waste.. by making the choice to only support coffees (and other shade grown foods/commodities) and saving the remaining 1% - perhaps we can change the world. Who’s to say what’s impossible, and with each new day I can feel a change. Even the big coffee companies understand that their practices of supporting coffee grown in deforested environments are causing global climate change and they are starting to ‘add back’ trees in an attempt to continue the ability to even grow coffee in an ever changing and hostile climactic environment.

I want to turn the whole thing upside down. We’ll keep sharing this delicious and earth friendly ‘coffee’ model and keep perhaps we’ll turn the whole thing upside down together . Or, if you are like some of my friends who choose to buy our coffees just cause they taste fantastic - that works too!

More information in the linked Inlander InHealth article written by Dan Nailen, photo by Kristen Black.

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